
Both Steve & John Green were trained as a Scenes of Crime photographers whilst they worked with West Yorkshire Police.  The photographs that we take for our clients are of the highest quality and taken with either a Nikon D300S Digital SLR camera or a Sony A7Sii digital mirrorless camera. Tripods are used when at all possible to ensure the best quality images possible with the focal length of the camera set as close as that of the human eye on all approach photographs.  The aperture is set to allow maximum depth of field.  If night time photographs are required the client will be advised as to the limitations of taking photographs on roads which are not closed to traffic and the issues relating to fairly representing the scene as scene by the taker.  If it is possible to take photograph during the hours of darkness they will be taken so as to represent what the human eye can see and using the correct white balance for colour correctness.

The photographs will be presented within a labelled album with the reconstruction report.

Examples of photographs taken in daylight and during the hours of darkness are included below.  The night time image was taken to show the lack of conspicuity of a pedestrian on a well lit road.
